Boundaries x Anti-Racism: How To Challenge Whiteness and White Supremacy in The Organization [REPLAY] ($49)

Whiteness is rarely challenged to look inwards, to think deeply about itself. It is malleable and amorphous as long as it is defined by hatred.”

- Nikyatu Jusu

There is no organization in the world that is not affected by whiteness and white supremacy. Anti-Black racism can be found everywhere - especially within the organization because the organization holds substantial power, influence, and economy within our society. We spend at least one-third of our lives at work and we are taught early on to believe that compromising our principles and wellbeing for the comfort of our colleagues and peers is just what we are supposed to do - is just the way it has to be.

But that’s a damn lie. We have the power to challenge whiteness and white supremacy within the organization. But we need tools and we need community.

Boundaries x Anti-Racism: How To Challenge Whiteness and White Supremacy in The Organization is a 75 minute online workshop about how we protect ourselves and others from whiteness and white supremacy at work; while building frameworks of liberation that reduce harm and seek repair.

We’ll cover:

  • Articulating racialized harm in meetings and public presentations.

  • Holding white allies accountable when they miss the mark.

  • Developing an understanding of white supremacy culture vs. liberatory culture.

  • Mobilizing community to dismantle whiteness and white supremacy within organizations.

  • Beginning the work of identifying and healing our own internalizations of whiteness.

  • Challenging white people and POC who dismiss anti-racism work as unnecessary.

[You can purchase the webinar replay below.]