Boundary Work: The Course: Find your courage in the conflict.

Right now, in this very moment, I want you to stop.

I want you to stop and ground yourself in this moment - and breathe.

I want you to ask yourself this question:

Where did I begin?

And when I say beginning, I don’t mean the seconds or minutes before you clicked on this link and were snuggling with your cat Cheddar or ignoring your student loans - or ordering macaroni and cheese on your phone. I mean, the beginning, beginning.

I mean the story of who you are. I mean the story of how you- you, the person reading this right now - how you - came to be.

The thing about conflict is that we’re told early on to hide it.

We’re taught early on to see conflict as a sign that we’re broken.

We’re taught early on to see outspokenness as a symbol of selfishnesses and insecurity.

We’re taught a lot about drawing our own lines and speaking up for our own right to be valued that is downright:

inaccurate, false, misleading, sophistical, imaginary, invalid, misrepresenting, and fraudulent, and all the other words that you find in the thesaurus under the word “falsity”.

But the thing about a lie is that in order to shine light on the truth - you have to face the conflict - and in order to face the conflict - you gotta find your courage.

That’s what boundaries are

Drawing boundaries is the process of finding of our courage. Holding boundaries is the process of keeping it.

Boundaries help us build and maintain relationships that are important for encouraging us to unlearn harmful patterns of thinking and mythologies around unhealthy power dynamics.

Without them, we don’t have the tools we need to stand up for ourselves and others when we encounter injustice - and in the world we live in; a world that’s becoming increasingly aware of the ways our social relationships have a major impact on our overall well-being, who we are, and who we choose to be - having the right resources to communicate what we will and will not do - is critical.

Boundary Work: The Course is a 4-week intensive created to help you get on the path to defining, setting and holding to your boundaries. This 4-week course designed through an intersectional lens of justice and care offers masterclasses, journaling, and reflection so that you can start right where you are.

Let’s get to the root of what our boundaries are.

Let’s build our confidence.

Let’s acknowledge our own capacity and power.

Let’s start at the beginning.

Let’s find our courage in the conflict.