Boundaries at Work: Boundary Work for NGO Communities™ ($49)
Read the description here.
Writing Beyond The Gender Binary: How To Write Inclusively About Trans and Gender Non-Binary Communities ($69)
Read the description here.
Boundaries x Anti-Racism: How To Challenge Whiteness and White Supremacy in The Organization™ ($49)
Read the description here.
Anti-Racist on The Internet: How To Write About Race and Anti-Racism on Social Media™ ($49)
Read the description here.
Bios, Missions, and Values: How to Reflect on Organization Values through a Lens of Equity and Anti-Oppression™ ($49)
Read the description here.
Boundaries x Academia: How To Create Brave, Trans-Affirming Spaces in the Classroom™ ($49)
Read the description here.
The Radical Boundaries Summer Pack//Purchase all 6 sessions in the series for a discounted rate of $250.

Boundaries at Work: Boundary Work for NGO Communities [REPLAY] ($49)
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us to temporarily beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.”
– Audre Lorde
Let’s be honest. We treat workplace communities like we treat romantic relationships we’re trying to control. We make a decision about long-term compatibility based on a few interviews and then we enter into the organization with an expectation that it is our responsibility to make it functional; to make it last forever. We enter into that organization believing that we must sacrifice ourselves for the collective comfort of the organization. We give up on our boundaries in the name of philanthropy, respectability, and the annual report. It’s time we changed that dynamic for good.
Here are my questions to you:
Who told you that working at a non-profit meant that you had to accept being treated like you don’t matter?
Who told you that working with marginalized communities outside the organization meant having to pretend to be boundaryless within it?
Who told you that it was your responsibility to stay in communities refusing to confront their institutional harm?
Just like we have relationships with people, we have relationships with institutions. Boundary Work for NGO Communities is a 75 minute online intensive designed to help you define a framework for getting to the root of building nonprofit community founded in liberatory relationships, reparative based action, and community care.
We’ll cover:
Address conflict through a lens of anti-oppression and repair.
Build communities founded in collective liberation and individual accountability.
Identify strategies for articulating institutional harm.
Create frameworks for conflict resolution and community care.
Develop plans of action and strategies for exit (because not all relationships last forever and that’s okay).
[Purchase the webinar replay below]
About Me
My name is Bunny McKensie Mack (pronouns: they/them). I’m an anti-oppression consultant, coach, and facilitator leveraging the reach of meaningful communication and hard conversations to build inclusive and equitable organizations. As the former Executive Director of Art + Feminism, I led a global team of organizers working to correct skewed and biased content about marginalized communities on the internet.
I hold two linguistics degrees from the University of Chicago and I’m currently pursuing a double Masters degree in Anthropology and Sociology from Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg.
For over 5 years, I’ve consulted with some of the largest for profit and non-profit organizations to develop cultures of accountability that dismantle racism and gender inequity at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional level. My work has been featured in NowThis News, Refinery29, The Guardian, Artsy, Afropunk, The New York Times, Pop Sugar, It Gets Better, Artsy, ArtNews, Wear Your Voice, Bubblegum Club, and El País. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you!
Writing Beyond The Gender Binary: How To Write Inclusively About Trans and Gender Non-Binary Communities [REPLAY] ($69)
“I tell my students, 'When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not...a grab-bag candy game.”
-Toni Morrison
Over the past three years, our collective U.S. understanding of gender identity and gender expression has evolved quickly. But just because our collective understanding of gender is changing doesn’t mean we still don’t struggle individually to break free from thinking and writing about gender in a way that causes harm to trans and gender non-binary people.
We now know that gender is a spectrum, not a binary, but how do we incorporate that knowledge into our copy? Writing Beyond The Gender Binary: Love Letters To Trans and Gender Non-Binary Communities is a 75-minute online intensive designed to help you identify what to look out for when editing your copy for gender equity and gender inclusivity.
We’ll cover:
Identifying the nuances of transphobia in our writing.
Using self-reflection and extensive analysis to repair our understanding of gender identity and gender expression.
Correcting the most common faux pas of gendered language.
Apologizing to TGNC communities when we make mistakes.
Composing copy that is inclusive of varied gender identities and expressions.
[You can purchase the webinar replay below]
Boundaries x Anti-Racism: How To Challenge Whiteness and White Supremacy in The Organization [REPLAY] ($49)
“Whiteness is rarely challenged to look inwards, to think deeply about itself. It is malleable and amorphous as long as it is defined by hatred.”
- Nikyatu Jusu
There is no organization in the world that is not affected by whiteness and white supremacy. Anti-Black racism can be found everywhere - especially within the organization because the organization holds substantial power, influence, and economy within our society. We spend at least one-third of our lives at work and we are taught early on to believe that compromising our principles and wellbeing for the comfort of our colleagues and peers is just what we are supposed to do - is just the way it has to be.
But that’s a damn lie. We have the power to challenge whiteness and white supremacy within the organization. But we need tools and we need community.
Boundaries x Anti-Racism: How To Challenge Whiteness and White Supremacy in The Organization is a 75 minute online workshop about how we protect ourselves and others from whiteness and white supremacy at work; while building frameworks of liberation that reduce harm and seek repair.
We’ll cover:
Articulating racialized harm in meetings and public presentations.
Holding white allies accountable when they miss the mark.
Developing an understanding of white supremacy culture vs. liberatory culture.
Mobilizing community to dismantle whiteness and white supremacy within organizations.
Beginning the work of identifying and healing our own internalizations of whiteness.
Challenging white people and POC who dismiss anti-racism work as unnecessary.
[You can purchase the webinar replay below.]
Boundaries x Academia: How To Create Brave, Trans-Affirming Spaces in the Classroom [Webinar Recording] ($49)
“One of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone.”
-bell hooks
It’s not uncommon for trans and gender non-binary students to be misgendered in the classroom.
It’s not uncommon for trans and gender non-binary students to be forced to explain their identity and its validity to their cis peers and cis professors.
It’s not uncommon for academic spaces to be designed around cis het men; excluding and erasing the existence and experiences of women, trans folks, and non-binary people.
Academic spaces are ripe for building communities of resistance and justice; but are failing to challenge the binaries that keep intensely marginalized students and their communities from whole liberation. Boundaries x Academia: How To Create Gender Inclusivity in the Classroom is about throwing that old rubric in the trash. This 75 minute online intensive will help you to learn how to leverage your privilege to help build spaces of holistic learning and resistance that both welcome and center gender equity in academia.
We’ll cover:
How gender binaries serve as a barrier to growth and development in the classroom.
What educators need to know about building brave spaces for trans and gender non-binary students and staff in the classroom.
Strategies for communicating with trans and gender non-binary communities through a lens of harm reduction and repair.
Unlearning ageist assumptions of identity development.
Challenging transphobia in academic spaces and contexts.
Partnering with trans and gender non binary student groups to develop trans affirming classrooms and staff meetings.
[Purchase the webinar replay below.]
Anti-Racist on The Internet: How To Write About Race and Anti-Racism on Social Media [REPLAY] ($49)
“Sometimes I wrote things because I couldn’t say them, couldn’t sort out my feelings about them, couldn’t keep them bottled inside me.”
-Octavia Butler, Kindred
Social media is not just a place to share photos of our food and families anymore. It is a classroom, a community center, a church, a rally. As our collective consciousness of race and anti-racism continues to evolve in this country, we have to take the time to understand not only what it means to speak out against white supremacy in our everyday lives; but also what it means to write about it on social media. Anti-Racist on The Internet: How To Write About Race and Anti-Racism on Social Media is a 75 minute online intensive dedicated to helping you create and improve your strategies for challenging whiteness and white supremacy on the internet.
We’ll cover:
Strategies for naming our emotional capacity in the face of white fragility.
Learning contemporary vocabularies of race, white supremacy, and anti-racism on the internet.
Leveraging our writing to challenge perfectionism mentality in the face of whiteness and white supremacy.
Identifying liberatory frameworks for addressing conflict and embracing vulnerability.
Mobilizing writing/blogging communities around race and anti-racism work.
[You can purchase the webinar replay below.]
Bios, Missions, and Values: How to Reflect on Organization Values through a Lens of Equity and Anti-Oppression [REPLAY] ($49)
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.”
-Alice Walker
One of the biggest mistakes we make is the assumption that people who share rooms with us think as we do, seek to reduce harm as we do, look to challenge injustice as we do. The fact is that because we are all impacted by patriarchy and racism in different ways; we need to collaborate with another to define what we believe, why, and how those principles are manifested in what we say and do. Bios, Missions, and Values: How to Reflect on Organization Values through a Lens of Anti-Oppression and Equality is a 75 minute online intensive that will help you compose bios, missions, and values that speak to your commitment to social justice work. We’ll cover writing brave space agreements, mission statements, and services descriptions which speak to who you are, who you choose to be, and why that matters.
We’ll cover:
Writing and editing your copy through a lens of equity and anti-oppression.
Strategies for writing inclusively about historically marginalized communities.
Exploring harm reductive approaches to articulating your values.
[You can purchase the webinar replay below.]
about me
My name is Bunny McKensie Mack (pronouns: they/them). I’m an anti-oppression consultant, coach, copywriter, and visual artist, leveraging the reach of pop culture and satire to envision a world without white supremacy and genderphobia. As the Director of Art + Feminism, I lead a global team of organizers working to correct skewed and biased content about marginalized communities on the internet.
I graduated from the University of Chicago with two communications degrees in Francophone language and literature and Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature. I’m currently pursuing a double Masters degree in Anthropology and Sociology from Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa and have been an interpreter and translator for over 10 years.
Originally from the Southside of Chicago, but currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa, I consult with for profit and non-profit organizations to develop cultures of accountability that dismantle racism and patriarchy. at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional level. My work has been featured in NowThis News, Refinery29, The Guardian, Artsy, Afropunk, The New York Times, Pop Sugar, It Gets Better, Artsy, ArtNews, Wear Your Voice, Bubblegum Club, and El País

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No, no refunds are available.
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When you register, you are automatically added to my newsletter about my consulting, coaching, and copywriting work and future presentations - feel free to opt-out at anytime.
I would LOVE to attend, but I don’t have the funds right now. Are scholarships available?
They sure are! Email me at work@mckensiemack.com to learn more.
Can I work with you?
Of course! Click on the following links to learn more about consulting, training, and copywriting work here:
Equity + Anti-Oppression Training